LEXTRO (formerly Lexington Trophy) is the leading provider of awards in central Kentucky | lextro.com Project Overview: Since 1969 Lexington Trophy has provided Lexington and central Kentucky with quality awards, plaques, and trophies. The company also offers...
The Ronald McDonald House provides a home away from home for families in need. | rmhclexington.com Project Overview: The Ronald McDonald House is a home away from home where families can stay close to their hospitalized child. The charity offers a variety of care for...
Mitchell Tolle is an watercolor artist and teacher based in Berea, Kentucky | MitchellTolle.com Project Overview: Mitchell Tolle is an incredible artist who has dedicated his life to serving God and using his artistic talents to inspire others. Mitchell initially...
I am a proud volunteer and supporter of the Ronald McDonald House Charities of the Bluegrass. I’m also honored to serve as a board member for the House and have had the privilege of redesigning and managing their website. Check it...